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Fashion and Luxury

The Fashion and Luxury Italian industry is famous worldwide, acting as a great resource for our country with unique characteristics: globalisation of trends, speed of the production cycle, tradition of brands and life-time of products.

With several years of experience, the Professionals at Limatola Avvocati offer assistance to the clients in the fashion and luxury word (jewellery, watches, design products) in all key sectors: organization of distribution and sales networks, licenses, production, growth opportunities in Italy and abroad, protection of intellectual property, relationship with key managers (including creatives), companies restructuring, financing and so on.

Our clients are major brands in fashion and luxury, bith Italian and foreign, as well as small innovative realities.

We know in depth all the characteristic and specific legal problems of the sector (e.g. the aspects related to supply, production, logistics, wholesale and retail distribution, e-commerce, protection of the trademark and of the know-how, organization and management of sales campaigns, relationships with the manager and with creatives, etc.)

Limatola Avvocati also offers the presence of their Professionals at the clients with formulas of “secondment” and in-house counsel.