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The fiscal aspects of companies’ activities are a paramount factor, and the Professionals at Limatola Avvocati is committed to offer clients an overview of the opportunities, as well as a clear presentation of the risks for a correct tax planning.

The Professionals at Limatola Avvocati manage all themes related to corporate taxations, M&A transactions, fiscal litigations and international taxation, having acquired a solid experience in assisting national and multinational groups in ordinary activities of business management, as well as in corporate extraordinary transactions, corporate restructuring and equity transactions directed to the achievement of a correct tax planning.

The tax advisers at Limatola Avvocati can assist their clients in finding and realizing adequate corporate and participatory structures, and in fiscal due-diligence activities in support of M&A transactions and of listings on regulated markets.

The assistance to clients is also given in the event of accesses, audits and evaluations from the Revenue Agency, as well as in phases of pre-litigations with the Financial Police and before the Tax Courts.

The tax advisers at Limatola Avvocati are experts in tax assistance to financial intermediaries for the execution of fiscal compliance as well as in relation to fiscal themes concerning in particular the asset management companies (SGR).

Limatola Avvocati also offers advice in the activities of management control and tax and social security representation of non-resident companies without a permanent establishment.